The Difference Between The Valuables Of Consumerism And Actual Values

Ricardo Guaderrama Caraveo
4 min readOct 24, 2023

True victory lies in your role in the conflict, not in coming through safely: it consists in the honor of battling bravely, not battling through. — Montaigne

I realized something yesterday. I am very unhappy when my life consists purely of, as we say in Spanish: “perseguir el hueso”, which means going after the bone, after the money.

Yesterday, later in the day, I saw this video from David Foster Wallace in which he argued that consumerism has the tendency to make people unhappy.

Capitalism, with its ever-ready mind, takes advantage of this situation by giving you the option of always buying another “solution” for your spiritual maladies, such as a Yoga retreat or whatever, and cure you.

When all you truly need is to sit down in quiet with a book, a classic is better if possible, and read your way out of the mental fog of modern life, where you are everywhere and nowhere.

At some point, they ask him the question, what can you do about the system that we live in? Is there any form of rebellion available? To which he answered that yes, there is the possibility of rebellion, it’s just that it is not as sexy as you think. It’s not as…



Ricardo Guaderrama Caraveo
Ricardo Guaderrama Caraveo

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