The Art of Digesting, A Life Full of Patience

Ricardo Guaderrama Caraveo
4 min readSep 27, 2022
Photo by Lidye on Unsplash

Just give it to me! Give me the damn advice and get on with it! AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I imagined Cartman from South Park.

It kind of feels like that sometimes. We are so hurried all the time. It’s 8:18 am for me as I write this. And, at precisely 8:30 am, I will leave my laptop, get up, and put my running sandals on to go for a blessed, refreshing, and deeply loved morning run.

This leaves me with just a couple of minutes to write now. I’ve been reading an interesting article about the great French blogger Michel de Montaigne for the last hour or so. Preparing. Preparing to write about something, looking for a golden nugget of advice. Advice that often comes not straightforwardly, but tangentially.

When I set about looking for ideas, I usually believe I am looking for something specific in the texts I read, but then, as if sparkled by the ideas of the great writers, my mind bursts into flames, and from the fire throws the idea that I was really looking for to my streams of thought. And today, that idea is the one of digestion, life’s digestion, the proper digestion of life. The idea of mindful chewing. Which can only be practiced through patience.

There is no way I will be able to finish this in 10 minutes. Nor should I want to finish it in such a short amount of time. I’ve written quite a…

