Stoic Advise On How To Become Powerful Beyond Measure
Morning. Have you ever stopped for a moment to think about how much time you have left in the earth?
We don’t think about time appropriately.
Let’s suppose that you wake
up at 5 am because you are a go getter and you sleep at 9 pm cause you know what they say, “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. If you’d did this, you’d have 16 hours total to change your life, the lives of others and the world.
That is not a lot of time, we have to get dressed, take the kids to the school, write for a bit, work and have fun. But this can be enough time, if we’d just use it correctly.
All of our dreams don’t happen someday, they are happening or not happening this very minute. We are either going for them or we aren’t.
We like to think that our dreams are this one moment of pure bliss once achieved. But, we have to realize that the dream is happening right now. There is no dream without the effort and brains that have to be put in them. Every decision we take at every moment must be knowing that time is scarce, very.
Life can be challenging, sometime it seems as if the whole thing just does not want our dreams to come true. But, I think that is the wrong focus. Change is the law of life.
As we get to where we want to go, we are not the same person anymore. We change in order to conquer what our past self was not yet prepared to conquer. In order for us to change into bigger and mightier human beings, we have to embrace this part of life. The part of life that sets obstacles for us to grow and develop new abilities that will enable us to reach our dreams.
The good thing, is that we know what those challenges are. You know what you should be doing.
We know now know that at every moment we have the choice to engage and develop ourselves or to become scared and wait for someone or something to shows us the way. Yes that was a Pink Floyd’s lyrics, it just suited perfectly.
This is the reason why Nietzsche said the that the secret of human greatness is Amor Fati,
to love one’s fate.
How could you not love the thing that gives you the opportunity to rise over everything? It is said that we are not scared of our weakness, but that we are afraid of being powerful beyond measure. Being powerful beyond measure= overcoming obstacles.
Obstacles are little at the beginning, Jordan Peterson would argue with cleaning your room first. I agree with every decision that we make during the day, we have sufficient moral capacity to discern better from worse. Fill your life with enough betters and you’ll be great in little time.
Now, we were talking about does 14 to 16 hours a day. Our life happens in those lapses, our lives are happening right now.
There is no: when I have a million dollars then I’ll give myself permission to be the kind of person that earns that kind of money. Fuck no, that is the aspirational loser game.
Amor Fati, love the fact that you don’t have that kind of money or life that you have yet, but be grateful for the opportunity and start being that person right now.
Then, start engaging in every obstacle that is going to take you to your goals and become inspired for doing it.
This will create a feedback loop of wins that will eventually take you into that situation in your life and you know what is the best part? When you get there, you’ll realize that you’ve changed and that you have to keep moving in your path of greatness.
We do have to be intelligent on our persuits. During WWII, Winston Churchill was
appointed with Harry L. Hopkins as ambassador of the US to help during war times. He became one of Churchill’s most trusted advisors, as he was before in the US for Roosevelt. Hopkins however was very ill the whole time as he got extracted 2/3 of his stomach due to cancer. He could only work for 2 to 3 hours a day, but he was so efficient that Churchill started naming him, lord heart of the matter. Hopkins went right to what was necessary and vital for success.
This is the lesson, time is enough if we know how to use it. Make a schedule with what is most important, and do that everyday.
Remember, Memento Mori. You are going to die, maybe today or maybe in 10 years but nevertheless you are going to die. We don’t deserve shit, all the things that we want are already there for us to take but we have to overcome the obstacles to get them. Appreciate the fact that you are given an opportunity.