Hello, thanks for taking the time to engage on this debate. I want to say something first. I do not intend to be rude, even if I sound a little bit.
First off, Stoicism is not a religion, it is a philosophy of life. I subscribe to it, and I find it logical.
I agree with your points on control and attitude. I do not thing, however, that you grasp the concept of control entirely.
Attitude is everything. You also have to accept everything as it is, but it doesn't mean that you are going to be passive to your circumstances. Given the fact that you can choose to focus on the things that you can control and change them.
You say that your job should just pay the bills. So everyone should have a job? Just like in communist Soviet Russia? Where three people where needed to serve someone bread? Paradoxically, capitalism has created the same kind of jobs. Pointless jobs. But in this instance, this creation of unnecessary jobs is not harmless, it is pernicious. The incessant consumerism is wrecking the planet. In part it is because we are all working bullshit jobs, without any other meaning than keeping the cycle of buying useless shit going.
Contribution is paramount if we're going to change our focus. From "paying the bills" to do things that give you meaning.
We need universal basic income, a change of mindset.
You can be happy, whatever the circumstances, if you practice a good philosophy. I will only dig the hole for as long as I cannot find any other worthwhile thing to do with my time. Hell, I prefer to read.